Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition Index
The list below contains an index of all documents published in the Dead Sea Scrolls Study Edition, edited by Florentino García-Martínez.
The page numbers linked on each line point to the DSSSE as found on ProQuest eBook Central, and made available through the Digital Theological Library.
Access requires the user to login with an appropriate DTL barcode number or Student ID number.
Please note that the DSSSE contains only the non-biblical Qumran texts. The biblical Qumran scrolls are available to through DTL's Brill ebook collection.
In the DSSSE, the Hebrew/Aramaic text is shown on the page facing the English translation. The links below will direct the user to the Hebrew/Aramaic page where publication information for each document is listed.
Index of Qumran Caves: 1Q;
4Q1 ff.,
4Q100 ff.,
4Q200 ff.,
4Q300 ff.,
4Q400 ff.,
4Q500 ff.;
- 1Q1 (1QGen) 1QGenesis 1 [TOP]
- 1Q2 (1QExod) 1QExodus 1
- 1Q3 (1QpaleoLev) 1QLeviticus 1
- 1Q4 (1QDeuta) 1QDeuteronomya 2
- 1Q5 (1QDeutb) 1QDeuteronomyb 2
- 1Q6 (1QJudg) 1QJudges 3
- 1Q7 (1QSam) 1QSamuel 3
- 1QIsaa 1QIsaiaha 3
- 1QIsab 1QIsaiahb 4
- 1Q8 (1QIsab) 1QIsaiahb 5
- 1Q9 (1QEzek) 1QEzekiel 5
- 1Q10 (1QPsa) 1QPsalmsa 5
- 1Q11 (1QPsb) 1QPsalmsb 6
- 1Q12 (1QPsc) 1QPsalmsc 6
- 1Q13 (1QPhyl) 1QPhylactery 6
- 1Q14 (1QpMic) 1QPesher to Micah 8
- 1QpHab 1QPesher to Habakkuk 10
- 1Q15 (1QpZeph) 1QPesher to Zephaniah 20
- 1Q16 (1QpPs) 1QPesher to Psalms 22
- 1Q17 (1QJuba) 1QJubileesa 22
- 1Q18 (1QJuba) 1QJubileesb 24
- 1Q19 + 1Q19bis (1QNoah) 1QBook of Noah 24
- 1Q20 (1QapGen ar) 1QGenesis Apocryphon 26
- 1QapGen ar 1QGenesis Apocryphon 28
- CTL (CTLevi ar) Cairo Geniza Testament of Levi 48
- 1Q21 (1QTLevi ar) 1QTestament of Levi ar 56
- 1Q22 (1QDM) 1QWords of Moses 58
- 1Q23 (1QEnGiantsa ar) 1QEnoch Giantsa ar 62
- 1Q24 (1QEnGiantsb ar) 1QEnoch Giantsb ar 64
- 1Q25 1QApocryphal Prophecy 64
- 1Q26 1QInstruction 66
- 1Q27 (1QMyst) 1QMysteries 66
- 1Q28 1QS title 68
- 1QS (1QS) 1QRule of the Community 68
- 1Q28a (1QSa) 1QRule of the Congregation 98
- 1Q28b (1QSb) 1QRule of Benedictions 104
- 1Q29 1QLiturgy of the Three Tongues of Fire 108
- 1Q30 1QLiturgical Text (?) 110
- 1Q31 1QLiturgical Text (?) 110
- 1Q32 (1QNJ ar) 1QNew Jerusalem ar 110
- 1QM (1QM) 1QWar Scroll 112
- 1Q33 (1QM) 1QWar Scroll 112
- 1Q34 + 1Q34bis (1QLitPr) 1QFestival Prayers 144
- 1QHa (1QHa) 1QHodayota 146
- 1Q35 (1QHb) 1QHodayotb 202
- 1Q36 1QHymnic Composition 204
- 1Q37 1QHymnic Composition (?) 204
- 1Q38 1QHymnic Composition (?) 206
- 1Q39 1QHymnic Composition (?) 206
- 1Q40 1QHymnic Composition (?) 206
- 1Q41–70, 1Q70bis 1QUnclassified Fragments 208
- 1Q71 (1QDana) 1QDaniela 208
- 1Q72 (1QDanb) 1QDanielb 208
- 2Q1 (2QGen) 2QGenesis 209 [TOP]
- 2Q2 (2QExoda) 2QExodusa 209
- 2Q3 (2QExodb) 2QExodusb 209
- 2Q4 (2QExodc) 2QExodusc 210
- 2Q5 (2QpaleoLev) 2QLeviticus 210
- 2Q6 (2QNuma) 2QNumbersa 210
- 2Q7 (2QNumb) 2QNumbersb 210
- 2Q8 (2QNumc) 2QNumbersc 211
- 2Q9 (2QNumd) 2QNumbersd ? 211
- 2Q10 (2QDeuta) 2QDeuteronomya 211
- 2Q11 (2QDeutb) 2QDeuteronomyb 211
- 2Q12 (2QDeutc) 2QDeuteronomyc 212
- 2Q13 (2QJer) 2QJeremiah 212
- 2Q14 (2QPs) 2QPsalms 212
- 2Q15 (2QJob) 2QJob 213
- 2Q16 (2QRutha) 2QRutha 213
- 2Q17 (2QRuthb) 2QRuthb 213
- 2Q18 (2QSir) 2QBen Sira 213
- 2Q19 (2QJuba) 2QJubileesa 214
- 2Q20 (2QJubb) 2QJubileesb 214
- 2Q21 (2QapMoses?) 2QApocryphon of Moses 214
- 2Q22 (2QapDavid?) 2QApocryphon of David? 216
- 2Q23 (2QapProph) 2QApocryphal Prophecy 216
- 2Q24 (2QNJ ar) 2QNew Jerusalem ar 218
- 2Q25 2QJuridical text 220
- 2Q26 (2QEnGiants ar) 2QBookof Giants ar 220
- 2Q27 2QUnidentified text 220
- 2Q28 2QUnidentified text 222
- 2Q29–33 2QUnclassified fragments 222
- 3Q1 (3QEzek) 3QEzekiel 225 [TOP]
- 3Q2 (3QPs) 3QPsalms 225
- 3Q3 (3QLam) 3QLamentations 225
- 3Q4 (3QpIsa) 3QIsaiah Pesher 226
- 3Q5 (3QJub) 3QJubilees 226
- 3Q6 3QHymn 226
- 3Q7 (3QTJuda?) 3QTestament of Judah (?) 228
- 3Q8 3QUnidentified text 228
- 3Q9 3QSectarian text (?) 228
- 3Q10 3QUnclassified fragments 230
- 3Q11 3QUnclassified fragments 230
- 3Q12 3QUnclassified fragments ar 230
- 3Q13 3QUnclassified fragments ar 230
- 3Q14 3QUnclassified fragments 232
- 3Q15 3QCopper Scroll 232
- 4Q1 (4QGen-Exoda) 4QGenesis-Exodusa 240 [TOP]
- 4Q2 (4QGenb) 4QGenesisb 240
- 4Q3 (4QGenc) 4QGenesisc 241
- 4Q4 (4QGend) 4QGenesisd 241
- 4Q5 (4QGene) 4QGenesise 241
- 4Q6 (4QGenf) 4QGenesisf 242
- 4Q7 (4QGeng) 4QGenesisg 242
- 4Q8 (4QGenh1) 4QGenesish1 242
- 4Q8a (4QGenh2) 4QGenesish2 242
- 4Q8b (4QGenh-para) 4QGenesish-para 243
- 4Q8c (4QGenh-title) 4QGenesish-title 243
- 4Q9 (4QGenj) 4QGenesisj 243
- 4Q10 (4QGenk) 4QGenesisk 243
- 4Q11 (4QpaleoGen-Exodl) 4QpaleoGenesis-Exodusl 244
- 4Q12 (4QpaleoGenm) 4QGenesism 245
- 4Q13 (4QExodb) 4QExodusb 245
- 4Q14 (4QExodc) 4QExodusc 245
- 4Q15 (4QExodd) 4QExodusd 246
- 4Q16 (4QExode) 4QExoduse 246
- 4Q17 (4QExod-Levf) 4QExodus-Leviticusf 246
- 4Q18 (4QExodg) 4QExodusg 247
- 4Q19 (4QExodh) 4QExodush 247
- 4Q20 (4QExodj) 4QExodusj 247
- 4Q21 (4QExodk) 4QExodusk 247
- 4Q22 (4QpaleoExodm) 4QpaleoExodusm 248
- 4Q23 (4QLev-Numa) 4QLeviticus-Numbersa 249
- 4Q24 (4QLevb) 4QLeviticusb 250
- 4Q25 (4QLevc) 4QLeviticusc 250
- 4Q26 (4QLevd) 4QLeviticusd 251
- 4Q26a (4QLeve) 4QLeviticuse 251
- 4Q26b (4QLevg) 4QLeviticusg 251
- 4Q27 (4QNumb) 4QNumbersb 252
- 4Q28 (4QDeuta) 4QDeuteronomya 253
- 4Q29 (4QDeutb) 4QDeuteronomyb 253
- 4Q30 (4QDeutc) 4QDeuteronomyc 253
- 4Q31 (4QDeutd) 4QDeuteronomyd 254
- 4Q32 (4QDeute) 4QDeuteronomye 254
- 4Q33 (4QDeutf) 4QDeuteronomyf 255
- 4Q34 (4QDeutg) 4QDeuteronomyg 255
- 4Q35 (4QDeuth) 4QDeuteronomyh 255
- 4Q36 (4QDeuti) 4QDeuteronomyi 256
- 4Q37 (4QDeutj) 4QDeuteronomyj 256
- 4Q38 (4QDeutk1) 4QDeuteronomyk1 257
- 4Q38a (4QDeutk2) 4QDeuteronomyk2 257
- 4Q38b (4QDeutk3) 4QDeuteronomyk3 257
- 4Q39 (4QDeutl) 4QDeuteronomyl 258
- 4Q40 (4QDeutm) 4QDeuteronomym 258
- 4Q41 (4QDeutn) 4QDeuteronomyn 258
- 4Q42 (4QDeuto) 4QDeuteronomyo 259
- 4Q43 (4QDeutp) 4QDeuteronomyp 259
- 4Q44 (4QDeutq) 4QDeuteronomyq 260
- 4Q45 (4QpaleoDeutr) 4QpaleoDeuteronomyr 260
- 4Q46 (4QpaleoDeuts) 4QpaleoDeuteronomys 260
- 4Q47 (4QJosha) 4QJoshuaa 261
- 4Q48 (4QJoshb) 4QJoshuab 261
- 4Q49 (4QJudga) 4QJudgesa 262
- 4Q50 (4QJudgb) 4QJudgesb 262
- 4Q51 (4QSama) 4QSamuela 262
- 4Q52 (4QSamb) 4QSamuelb 263
- 4Q53 (4QSamc) 4QSamuelc 264
- 4Q54 (4QKgs) 4QKings 264
- 4Q55 (4QIsaa) 4QIsaiaha 264
- 4Q56 (4QIsab) 4QIsaiahb 265
- 4Q57 (4QIsac) 4QIsaiahc 265
- 4Q58 (4QIsad) 4QIsaiahd 266
- 4Q59 (4QIsae) 4QIsaiatve 266
- 4Q60 (4QIsaf) 4QIsaiahf 267
- 4Q61 (4QIsag) 4QIsaiahg 267
- 4Q62 (4QIsah) 4QIsaiahh 267
- 4Q62a (4QIsai) 4QIsaiahi 268
- 4Q63 (4QIsaj) 4QIsaiahj 268
- 4Q64 (4QIsak) 4QIsaiahk 268
- 4Q65 (4QIsal) 4QIsaiahl 269
- 4Q66 (4QIsam) 4QIsaiahm 269
- 4Q67 (4QIsan) 4QIsaiahn 269
- 4Q68 (4QIsao) 4QIsaiaho 269
- 4Q69 (pap4QIsap) 4QIsaiahp 270
- 4Q69a (4QIsaq) 4QIsaiahq 270
- 4Q69b (4QIsar) 4QIsaiahr 270
- 4Q70 (4QJera) 4QJeremiaha 270
- 4Q71 (4QJerb) 4QJeremiahb 271
- 4Q72 (4QJerc) 4QJeremiahc 271
- 4Q72a (4QJerd) 4QJeremiahd 272
- 4Q72b (4QJere) 4QJeremiahe 272
- 4Q73 (4QEzeka) 4QEzekiela 272
- 4Q74 (4QEzekb) 4QEzekielb 273
- 4Q75 (4QEzekc) 4QEzekielc 273
- 4Q76 (4QXIIa) 4QMinor Prophetsa 273
- 4Q77 (4QXIIb) 4QMinor Prophetsb 274
- 4Q78 (4QXIIc) 4QMinor Prophetsc 274
- 4Q79 (4QXIId) 4QMinor Prophetsd 274
- 4Q80 (4QXIIe) 4QMinor Prophetse 275
- 4Q81 (4QXIIf) 4QMinor Prophetsf 275
- 4Q82 (4QXIIg) 4QMinor Prophetsg 275
- 4Q83 (4QPsa) 4QPsalmsa 277
- 4Q84 (4QPsb) 4QPsalmsb 277
- 4Q85 (4QPsc) 4QPsalmsc 278
- 4Q86 (4QPsd) 4QPsalmsd 278
- 4Q87 (4QPse) 4QPsalmse 279
- 4Q88 (4QPsf) 4QPsalmsf 280
- 4Q89 (4QPsg) 4QPsalmsg 282
- 4Q90 (4QPsh) 4QPsalmsh 282
- 4Q91 (4QPsj) 4QPsalmsj 282
- 4Q92 (4QPsk) 4QPsalmsk 283
- 4Q93 (4QPsl) 4QPsalmsl 283
- 4Q94 (4QPsm) 4QPsalmsm 284
- 4Q95 (4QPsn) 4QPsalmsn 284
- 4Q96 (4QPso) 4QPsalmso 284
- 4Q97 (4QPsp) 4QPsalmsp 285
- 4Q98 (4QPsq) 4QPsalmsq 285
- 4Q98a (4QPsr) 4QPsalmsr 285
- 4Q98b (4QPss) 4QPsalmss 286
- 4Q98c (4QPst) 4QPsalmst 286
- 4Q98d (4QPsu) 4QPsalmsu 286
- 4Q99 (4QJoba) 4QJoba 287
- 4Q100 (4QJobb) 4QJobb 287 [TOP]
- 4Q101 (4QpaleoJobc) 4QpaleoJobc 287
- 4Q102 (4QProva) 4QProverbsa 287
- 4Q103 (4QProvb) 4QProverbsb 288
- 4Q104 (4QRutha) 4QRutha 288
- 4Q105 (4QRuthb) 4QRuthb 288
- 4Q106 (4QCanta) 4QCanticlesa 288
- 4Q107 (4QCantb) 4QCanticlesb 289
- 4Q108 (4QCantc) 4QCanticlesc 289
- 4Q109 (4QQoha) 4QQoheleta 289
- 4Q110 (4QQohb) 4QQoheletb 290
- 4Q111 (4QLam) 4QLamentations 290
- 4Q112 (4QDana) 4QDaniela 290
- 4Q113 (4QDanb) 4QDanielb 291
- 4Q114 (4QDanc) 4QDanielc 291
- 4Q115 (4QDand) 4QDanield 292
- 4Q116 (4QDane) 4QDaniele 292
- 4Q117 (4QEzra) 4QEzra 292
- 4Q118 (4QChr) 4QChronicles 292
- 4Q119 (4QLXXLeva) 4QSeptuagint Leviticusa 293
- 4Q120 (4QpapLXXLevb) 4QSeptuagint Leviticusb 293
- 4Q121 (4QLXXNum) 4QSeptuagint Numbers 294
- 4Q122 (4QLXXDeut) 4QSeptuagint Deuteronomy 294
- 4Q123 (4QpaleoParaJosh) 4QParaphrase of Joshua 294
- 4Q124 (4QpaleoUnid[1]) 4Qunidentified paleo-Hebrew text 1 294
- 4Q125 (4QpaleoUnid[2]) 4Qunidentified paleo-Hebrew text 2 295
- 4Q126 (4QUnid gr) 4Qunidentified text gr 295
- 4Q127 (pap4QParaExod gr) 4QParaphrase of Exodus 295
- 4Q128 (4QPhyl A) 4QPhylactery A 295
- 4Q129 (4QPhyl B) 4QPhylactery B 296
- 4Q130 (4QPhyl C) 4QPhylactery C 296
- 4Q131 (4QPhyl D) 4QPhylactery D 296
- 4Q132 (4QPhyl E) 4QPhylactery E 296
- 4Q133 (4QPhyl F) 4QPhylactery F 297
- 4Q134 (4QPhyl G) 4QPhylactery G 297
- 4Q135 (4QPhyl H) 4QPhylactery H 297
- 4Q136 (4QPhyl I) 4QPhylactery I 297
- 4Q137 (4QPhyl J) 4QPhylactery J 298
- 4Q138 (4QPhyl K) 4QPhylactery K 298
- 4Q139 (4QPhyl L) 4QPhylactery L 298
- 4Q140 (4QPhyl M) 4QPhylactery M 298
- 4Q141 (4QPhyl N) 4QPhylactery N 298
- 4Q142 (4QPhyl O) 4QPhylactery O 299
- 4Q143 (4QPhyl P) 4QPhylactery P 299
- 4Q144 (4QPhyl Q) 4QPhylactery Q 299
- 4Q145 (4QPhyl R) 4QPhylactery R 299
- 4Q146 (4QPhyl S) 4QPhylactery S 300
- 4Q147–148 (4QPhyl T, U) 4QPhylacteries T, U 300
- 4Q149 (4QMez A) 4QMezuzah A 300
- 4Q150 (4QMez B) 4QMezuzah B 300
- 4Q151 (4QMez C) 4QMezuzah C 300
- 4Q152 (4QMez D) 4QMezuzah D 301
- 4Q153 (4QMez E) 4QMezuzah E 301
- 4Q154 (4QMez F) 4QMezuzah F 301
- 4Q155 (4QMez G) 4QMezuzah G 301
- 4Q156 (4QtgLev) 4QTargum of Leviticus 302
- 4Q157 (4QtgJob) 4QTargum of Job 302
- 4Q158 (4QRPa) 4QReworked Pentateucha 304
- 4Q159 (4QOrda) 4QOrdinancesa 308
- 4Q160 (4QVisSam) 4QVision of Samuel 310
- 4Q161 (4QpIsaa) 4QIsaiah Peshera 312
- 4Q162 (4QpIsab) 4QIsaiah Pesherb 316
- 4Q163 (4Qpap plsac) 4QIsaiah Pesherc 318
- 4Q164 (4QpIsad) 4QIsaiah Pesherd 326
- 4Q165 (4QpIsae) 4QIsaiah Peshere 326
- 4Q166 (4QpHosa) 4QHosea Peshera 328
- 4Q167 (4QpHosb) 4QHosea Pesherb 330
- 4Q168 (4QpMic?) 4QMicah Pesher (?) 334
- 4Q169 (4QpNah) 4QNahum Pesher 334
- 4Q170 (4QpZeph) 4QZephaniah Pesher 340
- 4Q171 (4QpPsa) 4QPsalms Peshera 342
- 4Q172 (4QpUnid) 4QUnidentified Pesher Fragments 348
- 4Q173 (4QpPsb) 4QPsalms Pesherb 350
- 4Q173a (= 4Q173 frag. 5) 350
- 4Q174 (4QFlor) 4QFlorilegium 352
- 4Q175 (4QTest) 4QTestimonia 354
- 4Q176 (4QTanh) 4QTanhûmîm 356
- 4Q176a,b (= 4Q176 frags. 19–21) (4QJubi,f?) 4QJubileesi,f? 360
- 4Q177 (4QCatena A) 4QCatena A 362
- 4Q178 4QUnclassified fragments 368
- 4Q179 (4QapocrLam A) 4QApocryphal Lamentations A 368
- 4Q180 (4QAgesCreat A) 4QAges of Creation A 370
- 4Q181 (4QAgesCreat B) 4QAges of Creation B 372
- 4Q182 (4QCatena B) 4QCatena B 374
- 4Q183 4QHistorical Work 374
- 4Q184 4QWiles of the Wicked Woman 376
- 4Q185 4QSapiential Work 378
- 4Q186 4QHoroscope 380
- 4Q187–195 382
- 4Q196 (4QpapToba ar) 4QpapTobita ar 382
- 4Q197 (4QTobb ar) 4QTobitb ar 388
- 4Q198 (4QTobc ar) 4QTobitc ar 394
- 4Q199 (4QTobd ar) 4QTobitd ar 394
- 4Q200 (4QTobe) 4QTobite 394 [TOP]
- 4Q201 (4QEna ar) 4QEnocha ar 398
- 4Q202 (4QEnb ar) 4QEnochb ar 404
- 4Q203 (4QEnGiantsa ar) 4QBook of Giantsa ar 408
- 4Q204 (4QEnc ar) 4QEnochc ar 412
- 4Q205 (4QEnd ar) 4QEnochd ar 420
- 4Q206 (4QEne ar) 4QEnoche ar 424
- 4Q207 (4QEnf ar) 4QEnochf ar 428
- 4Q208 (4QEnastra ar) 4QAstronomical Enocha ar 430
- 4Q209 (4QEnastrb ar) 4QAstronomical Enochb ar 430
- 4Q210 (4QEnastrc ar) 4QAstronomical Enochc ar 438
- 4Q211 (4QEnastrd ar) 4QAstronomical Enochd ar 440
- 4Q212 (4QEng ar) 4QEnochg ar 442
- 4Q213 (4QLevia ar) 4QAramaic Levia 446
- 4Q213a (4QLevib ar) 4QAramaic Levib 448
- 4Q213b (4QLevic ar) 4QAramaic Levic 450
- 4Q214 (4QLevid ar) 4QAramaic Levid 452
- 4Q214a (4QLevie ar) 4QAramaic Levie 452
- 4Q214b (4QLevif ar) 4QAramaic Levif 454
- 4Q215 (4QTNaph) 4QTestament of Naphtali 454
- 4Q215a (4QTime of Righteousness) 4QTime of Righteousness 456
- 4Q216 (4QJuba) 4QJubileesa 458
- 4Q217 (4QpapJubb?) 4QpapJubileesb? 464
- 4Q218 (4QJubc) 4QJubileesc 464
- 4Q219 (4QJubd) 4QJubileesd 466
- 4Q220 (4QJube) 4QJubileese 468
- 4Q221 (4QJubf) 4QJubileesf 470
- 4Q222 (4QJubg) 4QJubileesg 472
- 4Q223–224 (4QpapJubh) 4QpapJubileesh 472
- 4Q225 (4QpsJuba) 4QPseudo-Jubileesa 478
- 4Q226 (4QpsJubb) 4QPseudo-Jubileesb 480
- 4Q227 (4QpsJubc?) 4QPseudo-Jubileesc? 480
- 4Q228 4QWork with citation of Jubilees 482
- 4Q229 4QPseudepigraphic work in Mishnaic Hebrew 484
- 4Q230 4QCatalogue of Spiritsa 484
- 4Q231 4QCatalogue of Spiritsb 484
- 4Q232 (4QNJ?) 4QNew Jerusalem (?) 484
- 4Q233 4QFragments with place names 484
- 4Q234 4QGen 27:20–21 (Exercitium Calami) 484
- 4Q235 4QFragments of Book of Kings nabatean (?) 484
- 4Q236 (4QPs89) 4QPsalm 89 485
- 4Q237 485
- 4Q238 (4QHab3) 4QHabakkuk 3 and songs 485
- 4Q239 4QPesher on the True Israel 485
- 4Q240 4QCommentary on Canticles (?) 485
- 4Q241 4QFragments citing Lamentations 486
- 4Q242 (4QPrNab ar) 4QPrayer of Nabonidus ar 486
- 4Q243 (4QpsDana ar) 4QPseudo-Daniela ar 488
- 4Q244 (4QpsDanb ar) 4QPseudo-Danielb ar 490
- 4Q245 (4QpsDanc ar) 4QPseudo-Danielc ar 492
- 4Q246 4QAramaic Apocalypse 492
- 4Q247 (4QApocWeeks?) Apocalypse of Weeks (?) 494
- 4Q248 Acts of a Greek King 494
- 4Q249 (4Qpap cryptA MSM) 4QCryptic A: Midrash Sefer Moshe 496
- 4Q249a-m (4Qpap cryptA texts) 4QCryptic A Texts 496
- 4Q250, 4Q250a-b (4Qpap crypt A texts) 4Qpap Cryptic A Texts 497
- 4Q251 (4QHalakhah A) 4QHalakhah A 496
- 4Q252 (4QcommGen A) 4QCommentary on Genesis A 500
- 4Q253 (4QcommGen B) 4QCommentary on Genesis B 504
- 4Q253a (4QcommMal) 4QCommentary on Malachi 506
- 4Q254 (4QcommGen C) 4QCommentary on Genesis C 506
- 4Q254a (4QcommGen D) 4QCommentary on Genesis D 508
- 4Q255 (4QpapSa) 4QRule of the Communitya 510
- 4Q256 (4QSb) 4QRule of the Communityb 510
- 4Q257 (4QpapSc) 4QRule of the Communityc 516
- 4Q258 (4QSd) 4QRule of the Communityd 518
- 4Q259 + 4Q319 (4QSe) 4QRule of the Communitye + 4QOtot 528
- 4Q260 (4QSf) 4QRule of the Communityf 536
- 4Q261 (4QSg) 4QRule of the Communityg 540
- 4Q262 (4QSh) 4QRule of the Communityh 542
- 4Q262 frag. B 542
- 4Q263 (4QSi) 4QRule of the Communityi 542
- 4Q264 (4QSj) 4QRule of the Communityj 544
- 4Q264a (4QHalakhah B) 4QHalakhah B 546
- 4Q265 4QMiscellaneous Rules 546
- CD-A Damascus Documenta 550
- CD-B Damascus Documentb 574
- 4Q266 (4QDa) 4QDamascus Documenta 580
- 4Q267 (4QDb) 4QDamascus Documentb 598
- 4Q268 (4QDc) 4QDamascus Documentc 604
- 4Q269 (4QDd) 4QDamascus Documentd 604
- 4Q270 (4QDe) 4QDamascus Documente 608
- 4Q271 (4QDf) 4QDamascus Documentf 616
- 4Q272 (4QDg) 4QDamascus Documentg 622
- 4Q273 (4QpapDh) 4QpapDamascus Documenth 624
- 4Q274 (4QTohorot A) 4QPurification Rules A 628
- 4Q275 4QCommunal Ceremony 630
- 4Q276 (4QTohorot Ba) 4QPurification Rules Ba 632
- 4Q277 (4QTohorot Bb) 4QPurification Rules Bb 632
- 4Q278 (4QTohorot C ?) 4QPurification Rules C 634
- 4Q279 4QFour Lots 634
- 4Q280 4QCurses 636
- 4Q281a-4Q281f 4QUnidentified Fragments A 636
- 4Q282a-4Q282t 4QUnidentified Fragments B 636
- 4Q283 637
- 4Q284 4QPurification Liturgy 638
- 4Q284a 4QHarvesting 640
- 4Q285 (4QSM) 4QSefer ha-Milhamah 640
- 4Q286 (4QBera) 4QBlessingsa 644
- 4Q287 (4QBerb) 4QBlessingsb 648
- 4Q288 (4QBerc) 4QBlessingsc 650
- 4Q289 (4QBerd) 4QBlessingsd 650
- 4Q290 (4QBere) 4QBlessingse 652
- 4Q291 4QWork Containing Prayers A 652
- 4Q292 4QWork Containing Prayers B 652
- 4Q293 4QWork Containing Prayers C 654
- 4Q294 4QSapiential-Didactic Work C 654
- 4Q295–4Q297 654
- 4Q298 4QcryptA Words of the Maskil to All Sons of Dawn 654
- 4Q299 (4QMysta) 4QMysteriesa 656
- 4Q300 (4QMystb) 4QMysteriesb 660 [TOP]
- 4Q301 (4QMystc?) 4QMysteriesc?) 664
- 4Q302 4QAdmonitory Parable 666
- 4Q303 4QMeditation on Creation A 668
- 4Q304 4QMeditation on Creation B 668
- 4Q305 4QMeditation on Creation C 668
- 4Q306 4QMen of People who Err 670
- 4Q307 4QText Mentioning Temple 670
- 4Q308 4QSapiential Fragments 672
- 4Q309 4QCursive Work ar 672
- 4Q310 4QPapyrus Text ar 672
- 4Q311 4QPapyrus Unclassified Text 672
- 4Q317 (4QAstrCrypt) 4QcryptA Phases of the Moon 672
- 4Q312 4QHebrew Text in Phoenician Cursive? 673
- 4Q313 4QCryptic A Unclassified Fragments 673
- 4Q314–4Q315 4QParcels of Parchment 673
- 4Q316 4QUnclassified Fragments 673
- 4Q317 (4QAstrCrypt) 4QcryptA Phases of the Moon 673
- 4Q318 (4QBr ar) 4QBrontologion 676
- 4Q319 (4QOtot) 4QOtot 526, 678
- 4Q320 (4QCalendrical Doc A) 4QCalendrical Document A 678
- 4Q321 (4QCalendrical Doc Ba) 4QCalendrical Document Ba 682
- 4Q321a (4QCalendrical Doc Bb) 4QCalendrical Document Bb 690
- 4Q322 (4QCalendrical Doc Ca) 4QCalendrical Document Ca 692
- 4Q323 (4QCalendrical Doc Cb) 4QCalendrical Document Cb 694
- 4Q324 (4QCalendrical Doc Cc) 4QCalendrical Document Cc 696
- 4Q324a (4QCalendrical Doc Cd) 4QCalendrical Document Cd 696
- 4Q324b (4QCalendrical Doc Ce) 4QCalendrical Document Ce 698
- 4Q324c (4Qcrypt A Calendrical Doc Cf) 4QCalendrical Document Cf 698
- 4Q325 (4QCalendrical Doc D) 4QCalendrical Document D 698
- 4Q326 (4QCalendrical Doc Ea) 4QCalendrical Document Ea 700
- 4Q327 (Calendrical Doc Eb) 4QCalendrical Document Eb 700
- 4Q328 (4QCalendrical Doc Fa) 4QCalendrical Document Fa 702
- 4Q329 (4QCalendrical Doc Fb) 4QCalendrical Document Fb 702
- 4Q329a (4QCalendrical Doc G) 4QCalendrical Document G 704
- 4Q330 (4QCalendrical Doc H) 4QCalendrical Document H 704
- 4Q331–333 706
- 4Q334 (4QOrdo) 4QOrder of Divine Office 706
- 4Q335–336 4QAstronomical fragments? 706
- 4Q337 4QFragment of Calendar 706
- 4Q338 4QGenealogical List 706
- 4Q339 4QList of False Prophets ar 708
- 4Q340 4QList of Netinim 708
- 4Q341 4QList of proper names 708
- 4Q342 4QLetter? ar 710
- 4Q343 4QLetter nab 710
- 4Q344 4QDebt Acknowledgement ar 710
- 4Q345 4QDeed A ar or heb 712
- 4Q346 4QDeed of Sale ar 712
- 4Q346a 4QUnidentified Fragment A 712
- 4Q347 [XHev/Se 32 (+ 4Q347)] XHev/ Se papDeed F (+ 4Q347) ar 714
- 4Q348 4QDeed B heb? 714
- 4Q349 4QSale of Property? 714
- 4Q350 4Q Account of Cereal 714
- 4Q351 4QAccount of Cereal A ar 715
- 4Q352 4QpapAccount of Cereal B ar or heb 715
- 4Q352a 4QpapAccount A ar or heb 716
- 4Q353 4QpapAccount of Cereal or Liquid ar or heb 716
- 4Q354 4QAccount B ar or heb 716
- 4Q355 4QAccount C 716
- 4Q356 4QAccount D ar or heb 716
- 4Q357 4QAccount E ar or heb 716
- 4Q358 4QpapAccount F? ar or heb 717
- 4Q359 4QpapDeed C? ar or heb 717
- 4Q360 4QExercitium Calami B 717
- 4Q360a 4QpapUnidentified Fragments B ar 717
- 4Q360b 4QpapUnidentified Fragment C 717
- 4Q361 4QpapUnidentified Fragment gr 718
- 4Q362 4QCryptic B Undeciphered Fragments A 718
- 4Q363 4QCryptic B Undeciphered Fragments B 719
- 4Q363a 4QCryptic C Text 719
- 4Q364 (4QRPb) 4QReworked Pentateuchb 718
- 4Q365 (4QRPc) 4QReworked Pentateuchc 721
- 4Q365a (4QTemple?) 4QReworked Pentateuchc 722
- 4Q366 (4QRPd) 4QReworked Pentateuchd 726
- 4Q367 (4QRPe) 4QReworked Pentateuche 726
- 4Q368 (4QapocrPent A) 4QApocryphon Pentateuch A 726
- 4Q369 (4QPEnosh?) 4QPrayer of Enosh (?) 730
- 4Q370 4QExhortation Based on the Flood 732
- 4Q371 (4QapocrJosepha) 4QApocryphon of Josepha 734
- 4Q372 (4QapocrJosephb) 4QApocryphon of Josephb 734
- 4Q373 (4QapocrJosephc) 4QApocryphon of Josephc 738
- 4Q374 4QDiscourse on the Exodus/Conquest Tradition 738
- 4Q375 (4QapocrMosesa) 4QApocryphon of Mosesa 740
- 4Q376 (4QapocrMosesb?) 4QApocryphon of Mosesb? 742
- 4Q377 (4QapocrPent B) 4QApocryphon Pentateuch B 742
- 4Q378 (4QapocrJoshuaa) 4QApocryphon of Joshuaa 744
- 4Q379 (4QapocrJoshuab) 4QApocryphon of Joshuab 748
- 4Q380 4QNon-Canonical Psalms A 752
- 4Q381 4QNon-Canonical Psalms B 754
- 4Q382 4QParaphrase of Kings 762
- 4Q383 (4QapocrJera) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiaha 766
- 4Q384 (4QapocrJerb) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiahb (?) 766
- 4Q385 (4QpsEzeka) 4QPseudo-Ezekiela 766
- 4Q385a (4QpsMosesa) 4QPseudo-Mosesa 770
- 4Q385b (4QapocrJerc) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiahc 772
- 4Q385c (4QpsEzekc) 4QPseudo-Ezekielc 774
- 4Q386 (4QpsEzekb) 4QPseudo-Ezekielb 774
- 4Q387a (4QpsMosesb) 4QPseudo-Mosesb 776
- 4Q387b (4QapocrJerd) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiahd 778
- 4Q388 (4QpsEzekd) 4QPseudo-Ezekield 778
- 4Q388a (4QpsMosesc) 4QPseudo-Mosesc 780
- 4Q389 (4QpsMosesd) 4QPseudo-Mosesd 780
- 4Q389a (4QapocrJere) 4QApocryphon of Jeremiahe 782
- 4Q390 (4QpsMosese) 4QPseudo-Mosese 782
- 4Q391 (4QpsEzeke) 4QpapPseudo-Ezekiele 784
- 4Q392 4QWorks of God + 4Q393 4QCommunal Confession 788
- 4Q394 (4QMMTa) 4QHalakhic Lettera 790
- 4Q395 (4QMMTb) 4QHalakhic Letterb 794
- 4Q396 (4QMMTc) 4QHalakhic Letterc 794
- 4Q397 (4QMMTd) 4QHalakhic Letterd 798
- 4Q398 (4QMMTe) 4QHalakhic Lettere 800
- 4Q399 (4QMMTf) 4QHalakhic Letterf 802
- Mas 1k (MasShirShabb) Masada Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice 804
- 4Q400 (4QShirShabba) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificea 806 [TOP]
- 4Q401 (4QShirShabbb) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificeb 810
- 4Q402 (4QShirShabbc) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificec 812
- 4Q403 (4QShirShabbd) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificed 814
- 4Q404 (4QShirShabbe) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificee 822
- 4Q405 (4QShirShabbf) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificef 824
- 4Q406 (4QShirShabbg) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificeg 836
- 4Q407 (4QShirShabbh) 4QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrificeh 836
- 4Q408 4QMorning and Evening Prayer 836
- 4Q409 4QLiturgy 838
- 4Q410 4QVision and Its Interpretation 838
- 4Q411 4QSapiential Hymn 840
- 4Q412 4QSapiential-Didactic Work A 840
- 4Q413 4QComposition concerning Divine Providence 842
- 4Q414 (4QRitPur A) 4QRitual of Purification A 842
- 4Q415 4QInstructiona 844
- 4Q416 4QInstructionb 846
- 4Q417 4QInstructionc 854
- 4Q418 4QInstructiond 860
- 4Q418a 4QInstructione 876
- 4Q418b 878
- 4Q418c 4QInstructionf 878
- 4Q419 (4QSap. Work B) 4QSapiential Work B 880
- 4Q420 4QWays of Righteousnessa 880
- 4Q421 4QWays of Righteousnessb 882
- 4Q422 4QParaphrase of Genesis and Exodus 884
- 4Q423 4QInstructiong 886
- 4Q424 4QSapiential Text 888
- 4Q425 4QSapiential-Didactic Work B 890
- 4Q426 4QSapiential-Hymnic Work A 892
- 4Q427 (4QHa) 4QHodayota 892
- 4Q428 (4QHb) 4QHodayotb 898
- 4Q429 (4QHc) 4QHodayotc 900
- 4Q430 (4QHd) 4QHodayotd 904
- 4Q431 (4QHe) 4QHodayote 904
- 4Q432 (4QHf) 4QHodayotf 906
- 4Q433 4QHodayot-like text A 908
- 4Q433a 4QHodayot-like text B 908
- 4Q434 (4QBarki Napshia) 4QBless, Oh my Soula 910
- 4Q434a 4QGrace after Meals 912
- 4Q435 (4QBarki Napshib) 4QBless, Oh my Soulb 914
- 4Q436 (4QBarki Napshic) 4QBless, Oh my Soulc 914
- 4Q437 (4QBarki Napshid) 4QBless, Oh my Sould 916
- 4Q438 (4QBarki Napshie) 4QBless, Oh my Soule 918
- 4Q439 4QLament by a Leader 920
- 4Q440 4QHodayot-like text C 920
- 4Q440a 4QHodayot-like text D 922
- 4Q441 4QIndividual Thanksgiving A 922
- 4Q442 4QIndividual Thanksgiving B 922
- 4Q443 4QPersonal Prayer 922
- 4Q444 4QIncantation 924
- 4Q445 4QLament A 926
- 4Q446 4QPoetic Text A 926
- 4Q447 4QPoetic Text B 926
- 4Q448 4QApocryphal Psalm and Prayer 928
- 4Q449 4QPrayer A 928
- 4Q450 4QPrayer B ? 930
- 4Q451 4QPrayer C 930
- 4Q452 4QPrayer D ? 930
- 4Q453 4QLament B 932
- 4Q454 4QPrayer E ? 932
- 4Q455 4QDidactic Work C 932
- 4Q456 4QHalleluyah 932
- 4Q457a 4QCreation ? 934
- 4Q457b 4QEschatological Hymn 934
- 4Q458 4QNarrative A 934
- 4Q459 4QNarrative Work Mentioning Lebanon 936
- 4Q460 4QNarrative Work and Prayer 936
- 4Q461 4QNarrative B 938
- 4Q462 4QNarrative Ca 938
- 4Q463 4QNarrative D 940
- 4Q464 4QExposition on the Patriarchs 942
- 4Q464a 4QNarrative E 942
- 4Q464b 4QUnclassified Fragments 944
- 4Q465 4QpapText Mentioning Samson ? 944
- 4Q466 4QText Mentioning the Congregation of the Lord 944
- 4Q467 4QNarrative Cb 944
- 4Q468a-4Q468f 4QUnidentified Fragments C 946
- 4Q468g 4QHistorical Text F 946
- 4Q468h 4QHistorical Text G 946
- 4Q468i 4QHistorical Text H 946
- 4Q468j 4QHymnic Work 946
- 4Q469 4QApocryphon? 948
- 4Q470 4QText Mentioning Zedekiah 948
- 4Q471 4QWar Scroll-like Text B 950
- 4Q471a 4QPolemical fragment 950
- 4Q471b 4QSelf-Glorification Hymna 952
- 4Q472 4QEschatological Work 952
- 4Q472a 4QHalakha C 954
- 4Q473 4QThe Two Ways 954
- 4Q474 4QText Concerning Rachel and Joseph 954
- 4Q475 4QRenewed Earth 956
- 4Q476, 4Q476a 4QLiturgical Work B, 4QLiturgical Work C 956
- 4Q477 4QRebukes Reported by the Overseer 956
- 4Q478 4QpapFragment Mentioning Festivals 958
- 4Q479 4QText Mentioning Descendants of David 958
- 4Q480 4QNarrative F 960
- 4Q481 4QText Mentioning Mixed Kinds 960
- 4Q481a (4QapocrElisha) 4QApocryphon of Elisha 960
- 4Q481b 4QNarrative G 962
- 4Q481c 4QPrayer for Mercy 962
- 4Q481d 4QFragments with Red Ink 962
- 4Q481e 4QNarrative H 964
- 4Q481f 4QUnclassified Fragments 964
- 4Q482 (4QpapJub?) 4QJubilees (?) 964
- 4Q483 (4QpapGen or papJub?) 4QGenesis or Jubilees (?) 964
- 4Q484 (4QpapTJud?) 4QTestament of Judah (?) 966
- 4Q485 (4QpapProph) 4QProphecy 966
- 4Q486 (4QpapSap A?) 4QSapiential Work A? 966
- 4Q487 (4QpapSap B?) 4QSapiential Work B? 966
- 4Q488 4QApocryphon 968
- 4Q489 4QApocalypse ar (?) 968
- 4Q490 4QFragments belonging to 4Q489 (?) 968
- 4Q491 (4QMa) 4QWar Scrolla 970
- 4Q491c 4QSelf-Glorification Hymnb (=4Q491 fragments 11 and 12) 978
- 4Q492 (4QMb) 4QWar Scrollb 980
- 4Q493 (4QMc) 4QWar Scrollc 982
- 4Q494 (4QMd) 4QWar Scrolld 984
- 4Q495 (4QMe) 4QWar Scrolle 984
- 4Q496 (4QMf) 4QWar Scrollf 986
- 4Q497 4QWar Scroll-like Text A 990
- 4Q498 (papSap/Hymn) 4QHymnic or Sapiential Fragments 990
- 4Q499 (4QPEnoshb?) 4QPrayer of Enoshb (?) 992
- 4Q500 (4QpapBened) 4QBenediction 992 [TOP]
- 4Q501 (4QapocrLam B) 4QApocryphal Lamentations B 992
- 4Q502 (4QpapRitMar) 4QRitual of Marriage 994
- 4Q503 (4QpapPrQuot) 4QDaily Prayersa 998
- 4Q504 (4QDibHama) 4QWords of the Luminariesa 1008
- 4Q505 (4QpapDibHamb?) 4QWords of the Luminariesb? 1018
- 4Q506 (4QpapDibHamc) 4QWords of the Luminariesc 1018
- 4Q507 (4QPrFêtesa?) 4QFestival Prayersa (?) 1020
- 4Q508 (4QPrFêtesb) 4QFestival Prayersb 1020
- 4Q509+4Q505 (4QpapPrFêtesc) 4QFestival Prayersc 1022
- 4Q510 (4QShira) 4QSongs of the Sagea 1026
- 4Q511 (4QShirb) 4QSongs of the Sageb 1028
- 4Q512 (4QpapRitPur B) 4QRitual of Purification B 1036
- 4Q513 (4QOrdb?) 4QOrdinancesb 1040
- 4Q514 (4QOrdc?) 4QOrdinancesc 1042
- 4Q515–520 4QUnclassified papyrus fragments 1042
- 4Q521 4QMessianic Apocalypse 1044
- 4Q522 (4QapocrJosuéc?) 4QProphecy of Joshua 1046
- 4Q523 4QJonathan 1048
- 4Q524 (4QTemple) 4QTemple Scroll 1050
- 4Q525 (4QBéat) 4QBeatitudes 1052
- 4Q526 4QTestament? 1058
- 4Q527 4QLiturgical Work D? 1060
- 4Q528 4QHymnic or Sapiential Work B 1060
- 4Q529 4QWords of Michael ar 1060
- 4Q530 (4QEnGiantsb ar) 4QBook of Giantsb 1062
- 4Q531 (4QEnGiantsc ar) 4QBook of Giantsc 1064
- 4Q532 (4QEnGiantsd ar) 4QBook of Giantsd 1068
- 4Q533 4QGiants or Pseudo-Enoch ar 1068
- 4Q534 4QNoah ar 1070
- 4Q535 4QAramaic N 1072
- 4Q536 4QAramaic C 1072
- 4Q537 (4QTJacob (?) ar) 4QTestament of Jacob(?) ar 1074
- 4Q538 (4QTJud ar) 4QTestament of Judah ar 1076
- 4Q539 (4QapocrJoseph B ar) 4QApocryphon of Joseph B ar 1076
- 4Q540 (4QapocrLevia ar) 4QApocryphon of Levia ar 1078
- 4Q541 (4QapocrLevib? ar) 4QApocryphon of Levib (?) ar 1078
- 4Q542 (4QTQahat ar) 4QTestament of Qahat ar 1082
- 4Q543 4QVisions of Amrama ar 1084
- 4Q544 4Q Visions of Amramb ar 1086
- 4Q545 4QVisions of Amramc ar 1088
- 4Q546 4QVisions of Amramd ar 1090
- 4Q547 4QVisions of Amrame ar 1092
- 4Q548 4QVisions of Amramf? ar 1094
- 4Q549 Work Mentioning Hur and Miriam ar 1096
- 4Q550 (4QPrEsthera ar) 4QProto-Esthera ar 1096
- 4Q550a (4QPrEstherb ar) 4QProto-Estherb ar 1098
- 4Q550b (4QPrEstherc ar) 4QProto-Estherc ar 1098
- 4Q550c (4QPrEstherd ar) 4QProto-Estherd ar 1098
- 4Q550d (4QPrEsthere ar) 4QProto-Esthere ar 1100
- 4Q550e 1102
- 4Q551 (4QDanSuz? ar) 4QDaniel-Suzanna (?) ar 1102
- 4Q552 4QFour Kingdomsa ar 1102
- 4Q553 4QFour Kingdomsb ar 1104
- 4Q554 (4QNJa ar) 4QNew Jerusalema ar 1106
- 4Q554a (4QNJb ar) 4QNew Jerusalemb ar 1110
- 4Q555 (4QNJc ar) 4QNew Jerusalemc ar 1112
- 4Q556 (4QEnGiantse ar) 4QBook of Giantse 1112
- 4Q557 4QVisionc ar 1112
- 4Q558 4QVisionb ar 1114
- 4Q559 (4QpapBibChronology ar) 4QBiblical Chronology 1114
- 4Q560 4QExorcism ar 1116
- 4Q561 (4QHor ar) 4QPhysiognomy/Horoscope ar 1116
- 4Q562 4QAramaic D 1118
- 4Q563 4QAramaic E 1118
- 4Q564 4Q Aramaic F 1118
- 4Q565 4QAramaic G 1118
- 4Q566 4QAramaic H 1118
- 4Q567 4QAramaic I 1120
- 4Q568 4QAramaic K 1120
- 4Q569 4Q Aramaic L 1120
- 4Q570 4QAramaic R 1120
- 4Q571 4Q Aramaic V 1122
- 4Q572 4QAramaic W 1122
- 4Q573 4QAramaic X 1122
- 4Q574 4Q Aramaic Y 1122
- 4Q575 4QAramaic Z 1122
- 4Q576 (4QGenn) 4QGenesisn 244, 1124
- 4Q577 4QText Mentioning the Flood 1124
- 4Q578 4QHistorical Text B 1124
- 4Q579 4QHymnic Work(?) 1126
- 5Q1 (5QDeut) 5QDeuteronomy 1129 [TOP]
- 5Q2 (5QKgs) 5QKings 1129
- 5Q3 (5QIsa) 5QIsaiah 1129
- 5Q4 (5QAmos) 5QAmos 1129
- 5Q5 (5QPs) 5QPsalms 1130
- 5Q6 (5QLama) 5QLamentationsa 1130
- 5Q7 (5QLamb) 5QLamentationsb 1130
- 5Q8 (5QPhyl) 5QPhylactery 1131
- 5Q9 (5QapocrJosh) 5QApocryphon of Joshua 1132
- 5Q10 (5QpMal?) 5QMalachi Pesher 1132
- 5Q11 (5QS) 5QRule of the Community 1132
- 5Q12 (5QD) 5QDamascus Document 1134
- 5Q13 5QRule 1134
- 5Q14 5QCurses 1136
- 5Q15 (5QNJ ar) 5QNew Jerusalem ar 1136
- 5Q16 5QUnclassified fragments 1140
- 5Q17 5QUnclassified fragments 1142
- 5Q18 5QUnclassified fragments 1142
- 5Q19 5QUnclassified fragments 1142
- 5Q20 5QUnclassified fragments 1144
- 5Q21–25 5QUnclassified fragments 1144
- 6Q1 (6QpaleoGen) 6QGenesis 1146 [TOP]
- 6Q2 (6QpaleoLev) 6QLeviticus 1146
- 6Q3 (6QpapDeut?) 6QDeuteronomy (?) 1146
- 6Q4 (6QpapKgs) 6QKings 1146
- 6Q5 (6QpapPs?) 6QPsalm 78 (?) 1147
- 6Q6 (6QCant) 6QCanticles 1147
- 6Q7 (6QpapDan) 6QDaniel 1147
- 6Q8 (6QpapEnGiants ar) 6QGiants ar 1148
- 6Q9 (6Qpap apocrSam-Kgs) 6QApocryphon on Samuel-Kings 1148
- 6Q10 (6QpapProph) 6QProphecy 1150
- 6Q11 6QAllegory of the Vine 1150
- 6Q12 (6QapocrProph) 6QApocryphal Prophecy 1150
- 6Q13 (6QPriestProph) 6QPriestly Prophecy 1152
- 6Q14 (6QApoc ar) 6QApocalypse ar 1152
- 6Q15 (6QD) 6QDamascus Document 1152
- 6Q16 (6QpapBened) 6QBenediction 1154
- 6Q17 (6QpapCalendrical Doc.) 6QCalendrical Document 1156
- 6Q18 (6QpapHymn) 6QHymn 1156
- 6Q19 (6QGen? ar) 6QGenesis (?) ar 1156
- 6Q20 (6QDeut?) 6QDeuteronomy (?) 1158
- 6Q21 6QProphetic Text? 1158
- 6Q22 6QpapUnclassified fragments 1160
- 6Q23 6QpapUnclassified fragments ar 1160
- 6Q24–25 6QpapUnclassified fragments 1160
- 6Q26 6Qpap accounts or contracts 1160
- 6Q27–30 6QpapCursive Unclassified fragments 1160
- 6Q31 6QpapUnclassified fragments 1160
- 7Q1 (7QLXXExod) 7QSeptuagint Exodus 1161 [TOP]
- 7Q2 (7QLXXEpJer) 7QEpistle of Jeremiah 1161
- 7Q4, 8, 11–14 (7QpapEn gr) 7QEnoch 1162
- 7Q3, 5–7, 9–10, 15–18 7QUnclassified fragments 1164
- 7Q19 7QPapyrus Imprint 1164
- 8Q1 (8QGen) 8QGenesis 1164 [TOP]
- 8Q2 (8QPs) 8QPsalms 1164
- 8Q3 (8QPhyl) 8QPhylactery 1165
- 8Q4 (8QMez) 8QMezuzah 1165
- 8Q5 8QHymn 1166
- 9Q 9Qpap Unclassified Fragment 1168 [TOP]
- 10Q (10Qostr?) 10QOstracon 1169 [TOP]
- 11Q1 (11QpaleoLeva) 11QLeviticusa 1170 [TOP]
- 11Q2 (11QLevb) 11QLeviticusa 1170
- 11Q3 (11QDeut) 11QDeuteronomy 1171
- 11Q4 (11QEz) 11QEzekiel 1171
- 11Q5 (11QPsa) 11QPsalmsa 1172
- 11Q6 (11QPsb) 11QPsalmsb 1180
- 11Q7 (11QPsc) 11QPsalmsc 1182
- 11Q8 (11QPsd) 11QPsalmsd 1182
- 11Q9 (11QPse?) 11QPsalmse? 1183
- 11Q10 (11QtgJob) 11QTargum of Job 1184
- 11Q11 (11QapocrPs) 11Q Apocryphal Psalms 1200
- 11Q12 (11QJub) 11QJubilees 1204
- 11Q13 (11QMelch) 11QMelchizedek 1206
- 11Q14 (11QSM) 11QSefer ha-Milhamah 1208
- 11Q15 (11QHymnsa) 11QHymnsa 1210
- 11Q16 (11QHymnsb) 11QHymnsb 1212
- 11Q17 (11QShirShabb) 11QSongs of the Sabbath Sacrifice 1212
- 11Q18 (11QNJ ar) 11QNew Jerusalem 1220
- 11Q19 (11QTa) 11QTemplea 1228
- 11Q20 (11QTb) 11QTempleb 1290
- 11Q21 (11QTc?) 11QTemplec? 1304
- 11Q22 (11QpalUnid) 11QpaleoUnidentified Text 1306
- 11Q23 (11QcryptA Unid) 11QcryptA Unidentified Text 1306
- 11Q24 (11QUnid ar) 11QUnidentified Text ar 1306
- 11Q25 (11QUnid A) 11QUnidentified Text A 1306
- 11Q26 (11QUnid B) 11QUnidentified Text B 1308
- 11Q27 (11QUnid C) 11QUnidentified Text C 1308
- 11Q28 (11QpapUnid D) 11QUnidentified Text D 1308
- 11Q29 11QFragment Related to Serekh ha-Yahad 1308
- 11Q30 11QUnclassified Fragments 1308
- 11Q31 11QUnidentified Wads 1309