Today's Tentmakers by J. Christy WilsonCall Number: BV2061 .W54 1989 - Charlotte
ISBN: 9780842372794
Publication Date: 1979-01-01
One million American Christians live and work abroad. They are not missionaries. These people are students, administrators, engineers, teachers, and doctors in other countries. They could be called "tentmakers" Just as the Apostle Paul used his vocation, tentmaking, to finance his witness to the churches, so today's tentmakers support themselves with their own hands and minds, shining the light of Christ around them. "We err" suggests author J. Christy Wilson, Jr, "when we assign personal evangelism at home to the lay Christian but missions work abroad only to the specialist" Tentmaking is available to everyone. Today's Tentmakers is a handbook which is of value not only to the prospective tentmaker, but also to the Christian planning to travel overseas. You'll discover here information about foreign travel and employment, support organizations, language training, moving, cultural adjustment, and politics. Whether you are a student or teacher, housewife or doctor, Today's Tentmakers is an opportunity of adventure and service in God's work.