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GCTS Alumni Library Resources

Library Resources for Alumni

Gordon-Conwell Libraries, in cooperation with the Office of Alumni Engagement, have put together a list of free research resources for Gordon-Conwell alumni. Our featured alumni resources, listed below, provide access to high-quality, full-text articles in top theological journals. In addition, alumni can access an extensive collection of Bible study videos, sermons, and devotionals through RightNow Media.


Featured Alumni Resources

ATLAS for ALUM is an online collection of major religion and theology journals selected by leading religion scholars and theologians. Gordon-Conwell alumni can read articles or research the history of a topic from as early as 1924 to the present. Currently, alumni are able to use ATLAS for ALUM as a search tool to retrieve articles in more than one-hundred different journals.

NOTE: ATLAS for ALUM now requires a new username and password for access. Please see instructions.

ProQuest Religion (Alumni Access) is an indispensable resource for religious studies programs and for anyone researching religious issues and perspectives. This resource presently has more than 220 journals, with many of them available in full-text.

NOTE: The ProQuest Religion username and password has recently changed. Log-in credentials are required to access ProQuest Religion. To request the new log-in informarion, please email the office of Alumni Engagement at Please see access instructions tab for more information..


Open Access Digital Theological Library - OADTL is the premier digital library of open access materials related to religion and theology. Currated by theologically trained librarians, this collection currently (as of June 2019) provides access to over 198,000 eBooks, 10,000,000 full-text articles, and 6,200 full-text journals!