Students and faculty at the South Hamilton and Boston campuses have access to the libraries of the Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI).
Together, the libraries of the schools of BTI Consortium own over 4 million volumes in theology and related disciplines. The collections are accessible to all BTI Consortium students and faculty. To gain access to BTI Consortium lending, you must opt-in for your information to be shared with each library. This will allow BTI Consortium libraries to verify that you attend a member school. View the full instructions for opting in for all students.
Any student may "opt in" for BTI Consortium library access whether they are registered for a BTI Consortium class or not.
NOTE: Before visiting a participating BTI Consortium Library, it is always wise to contact that library to see if they will be able to grant you borrowing privileges when you visit. (Some libraries can only offer new accounts during standard business hours.)
BTI Consortium students and faculty may borrow books from any other BTI Consortium school library opon proof of school affiliation and completion of any registration required by the lending library. Books may be checked out in person or requested through inter-library loan (ILL). BTI Consortium alumni do not have borrowing privileges at BTI Consortium libraries but may be able to request a book through the school they attended.
Unless requested by another bororwer, books may be renewed at the circulation desk of the lending library. Specific library renewal policies may differ.
Books borrowed from other BTI Consortium libraries may be returned through the MLS (Massachusetts Library System) by leaving them at any BTI Consortium library circulation desk.
Fines for overdue materials and replacement costs for lost materials are charged according to the policy of the lending library. Failure to pay fines or return recalled material can result in the loss of borrowing privileges at all BTI Consortium libraries.