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Berkshire Christian College’s Adventual Library
at the Center for Advent Christian Studies

1843 ChartThe Adventual Library was established at the New England School of Theology, Brookline, MA. The School and the Adventual Library relocated to Lenox, MA in 1958. With the name change of the College in the fall of 1958, the Adventual Library became a part of the Linden J. Carter Library of Berkshire Christian College.

At the closing of the Lenox campus in 1987 arrangements were made with Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary to place the holdings of the Adventual Library on the South Hamilton campus on the fourth floor of the Kerr Administration Building. Dr. David A. Dean with some volunteer help physically set up the room. There it remained until February of 2005 when, under the direction of Dr. Freeman Barton, the collection was moved into a basement room of the Goddard Library.

William MillerThe room is a 12 feet by 44 feet, windowless, well-lighted facility with almost twice the space of the former room. There are two workstations, one with a pc with internet access. The collection consists of a core collection of Millerite/Adventist periodicals; a collection of prophetic charts; a book library of 2,500 volumes pertaining to all phases of the Advent movement and its particular doctrines: the Second Advent, Conditional Immortality, the intermediate state, etc.; six legal size file cabinets containing material on all phases of the Adventist movement as well as an extensive collection of biographical material; a card catalog index of the World’s Crisis/Advent Christian Witness, which continues in electronic format. On loan, we have an every name index of A.C. Johnson’s Advent Christian history plus extensive indices of World’s Crisis and other Adventist materials with an illustration index as well. The Collection includes the records of many Advent Christian churches and institutions as well as the Berkshire Christian College archives. Since the opening of the Library in South Hamilton in 1991, 920 volumes have been cataloged and added.

Dr. Gordon L. Isaac is the Berkshire Assistant Professor of Advent Christian Studies.

Library Access:

The Collection is available during Goddard Library's open hours, as posted on the library home page. - with permission of the Curator.

To access this collection, please ask library staff

The Collection is available for on-site use and may not leave the Goddard Library premises.


Searching the Adventual Collection:

To search the Adventual Collection, you can use Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary's online catalog, but you must qualify your search by adding b8:Adventual Collection to your search terms.

Replace the ____ in the search box below to initiate a search. (NOTE: Once using the online catalog, you may need to add b8:Adventual Collection to the search box each time you hit the search button.)